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DHL Express

  • 10 digits numerical only
  • OR starts with 000, JJD01, JJD00, JVGL or similar.
  • Examples: 1234567890 or JJD0099999999

DHL eCommerce

  • Typically starts with GM, LX, RX or up to five letters.
  • The ID length might vary from 10 to 39 characters.
  • Examples: GM99999999999 or 999999999999999999

DHL Parcel

  • Starts with 3S, JVGL or JJD
  • Examples: 3SBCC000123456 or JVGL9999999999

DHL Global Forwarding

  • 7-digit numerical only
    Example: 1234567
  • Starts with 1 number, followed by 2 letters and 4 to 6 numbers
    Example: 1AB12345
  • Starts with 3 to 4 letters
    Example: ABC123456
  • Starts with 3-digit carrier code, followed by hyphen (-), followed by the 8-digit masterbill number.
    Example: 123-12345678

DHL Freight

  • Order Code: starts with 2 to 3 letters, followed by dash (-), 2 to 3 letters, dash (-) and 7 numbers
    Example: ABC-DE-1234567
  • Starts with 4 numbers, followed by dash (-) and 5 numbers
    Example: 1234-12345
  • Numeric only with the length 9, 10 or 14
    Example: 123456789